The Nursery
Opening Times and Fees
Term dates: 2023 / 2024
Autumn Term
Start of term: Monday 4th September
Close for half term: Friday 20th October
Open after half term: Monday 30th October
Break up for Christmas: Friday 15th December
Spring Term
Start of term: Monday 8th January
Close for half term: Friday 9th February
Open after half term: Monday 19th February
Break up for Easter: Thursday 28th March
Summer Term
Start of term: Monday 15th April
Close for half term: Friday 24th May
Open after half term: Monday 3rd June
Break up for Summer: Friday 19th July
Our nursery is open Monday to Friday during term time only:
Breakfast Club 08.00 - 09.00
Morning session 09.00 - 12.00
Lunch 12.00 - 12.45
Afternoon session 12.45 - 15.45
After-nursery club 15.45 - 18.00 (15.45 - 17.00 on Fridays)
Nursery Fees (as of September 2024):
Non-universal funded sessions (children up until the term after they turn 3 years old):
Pre-school morning: £25.50 per morning session
Pre-school afternoon: £25.50 per afternoon session
Universal funded sessions (children from the term after they turn 3 years old):
Pre-school morning: £20.50 per morning session
Pre-school afternoon: £20.50 per afternoon session
Non-funded sessions:
Breakfast session 8.00-9.00: £9.50 (includes breakfast and a drink)
Breakfast session 8.30-9.00: £5.00 (includes a drink)
Lunch-time session: £7.00 per lunch session (children bring a packed lunch)
After-nursery club 15.45-17.00: £11.50 (includes snack and a drink)
After-nursery club 15.45-18.00: £21.50 (includes snack, hot meal and drinks)
Consumables charge: £2.50 per session
Toddler Group: No charge (registration required)
Lindfield Pre-School Nursery accepts all childcare vouchers and we are registered for early years funding.
Children can start from the term after they turn 2 years of age (space permitting). Your child will be offered a minimum of three sessions a week which can be increased in subsequent terms. All children receiving government funding are expected to take their full 15 hours of funded early years sessions. We encourage children to attend a mix of morning and afternoon sessions.
Session Structure
Each session is structured as follows:
Free Activities - indoor and outdoor play with a wide range of activities to stimulate the child's interest, imagination and extend their knowledge
Register time
Drink and a healthy snack in small keyworker groups followed by structured age-appropriate activities
Singing time and movement
Story time